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Post Info TOPIC: Scores??
Posted By: Needs to know

Posted On: Jul 21st, 2009
Views: 1863

Who won this past week's games?

Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Jul 21st, 2009
Views: 1858
RE: Scores??

Winners were Hounds, Raiders and Renegades. I forgot to bring the scorecards with me to work. I will update everything tomorrow morning.



Posted By: Observer

Posted On: Jul 21st, 2009
Views: 1853
RE: Scores??

Wow! Scott is taking his "volunteer/non paying job" to his real workplace in order to keep the masses informed. If anyone wants to question the dedication of the Executives, they need only look to him for an example of their hard work.

Keep it up you guys.

Posted By: Vet

Posted On: Jul 22nd, 2009
Views: 1774
RE: Scores??

I think Scott has a government job so he just misses a little sleep.

Posted By: Scott

Posted On: Jul 22nd, 2009
Views: 1767
RE: Scores??

Well the cubicles we are stuck in make the whole sleeping thing pretty tough. But it definitely takes away from my time on espn.com. I'm just kidding I've actually been fairly busy at work lately. (disclaimer in case my boss ever looks at the message board).

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